Monday, March 5, 2018

The Last Night

Little disheartening, looks like we will be discharged tomorrow night (most likely after dialysis) and not today 😕

Transplant team came by for morning rounds. Said they're going to take his JP drain (little drain thing from his incision site) out later today. It's giving him some pain by his nerves so they're hoping it'll help once they get it out.

He is making more urine-yay! Doctors were really encouraged by both results they got yesterday. Biopsy said no rejection. And another test they did that compares the antibodies/antigens (just to make sure he hasn't created more with all the blood transfusions he's had) was great! They haven't changed since transplant so that is awesome. They were positive, so we're trying to follow suit even though we really wanted to be out of here today.

He's working on his appetite- having some watermelon (as my Grandma Cluff always said "Watermelon has lots of vitamin Pee!") and some honey nut Cheerios for breakfast.

We've had visits from the dietician to talk about things that he can/can't eat now, things he needs to watch out for and be more vigilant about (cold deli meat, sushi, grapefruit/juice, pomegranates/juice, etc) because of his suppressed immune system and meds he takes. Then his post-transplant coordinator came and went thru the lists of appointments, labs, med schedule, clinic visits, lifting restrictions, drinking enough water, etc. The usual stuff. We will also have a meeting with the pharmacist later today to go over meds, schedule, side effects, get our tracking info and 30-day supply: all that kind of stuff.

Should be no needle pokes today, which he is very happy about!

In the afternoon Bryce’s Mom came to the hospital with the kids for a short little visit. It was so good for them to see him and he was really happy to see their faces too. Gosh, we missed our kids! I went back down to Provo, I had tickets to go to the Fairy Tea Party at the Provo Library. It was so fun! It felt so good to get out of the hospital and spend some fun quality time with my Janie. We went with her BFF from preschool and her Mom. I’m so happy Jane made such a good little friend!

While I was gone, Bryce had a couple visits from friends. One from our friend Neal. He said they had a good visit. Neal showed him a video that gave him his first real laugh he’d had post-surgery. It was badly needed and we really appreciated it. Then his buddy from high school, Jared Beutler and his girlfriend and they had a nice visit too. They were still there just as I arrived so I was able to see them for a few minutes.

This experience has reiterated to me how amazing even the smallest act of kindness and service can mean to someone. A text. A visit. A note in the mail. Cookies or treats. A box of Cheez-it’s made me cry this week you guys. And while I DO love me some Cheez-it’s, that’s not what this was about. The love that others express in simple, small, everyday moments can be the difference in a dark time. The kindness of SO many in SO many different ways the last 4 years, but the last week especially, has made all the difference.

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