Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Monday, Monday...

Monday Morning

Restless night here- Bryce had a hard time getting comfortable. He wasn't in pain but just couldn't adjust in his bed the way he'd like. Nurses were constantly in and out, so not a ton of nighttime sleep was had by either of us.

Transplant team  came for morning rounds. Said kidney looks good, his incision site looks good. It's just going to take some time for it to work- which we knew. Said they're gonna keep giving him lots of fluids to stimulate the kidney and make it produce urine. He has dialysis sometime today because his potassium is 5.3, we just wait to see when they come get him so we don't know what time yet. They won't pull fluid off. Just clean his blood to get his potassium down. Doc said his catheter has to stay in for at least 5 days, but he can go home with that and have it removed at his clinic appt on Thursday or Monday. Said if we can get his bowels moving and he can start tolerating food and he is walking enough then he should be able to come home on Wednesday. Dialysis won't be scheduled, it will just be at an as-needed basis depending on his daily blood work the next couple weeks. If after a couple weeks it's still not giving us adequate function and urine output then they might biopsy the kidney. He sounded like that was a last resort though and that they were confident that could be avoided. He reminded us to be patient and that it might take a while. So the lesson in patience continues :)

Monday afternoon

Just a chill afternoon here. They took him off his self-controlled pain medicine and he is on oxycodone every 4 hours. He was a little nervous that it wouldn't control his pain, but the nurse said if he starts to have some pain and it's not quite time for his next dose yet, they have a little “breakthrough” dose they can give him to tide him over. That made him feel a bit calmer. 

He took another good long walk around the floor and sat up in the chair to drink some lunch and watch tv for a couple hours. 

Dialysis was scheduled for tomorrow, not today. So that will be in the morning. 
Just had a visit from our Home Teacher and he gave Bryce a nice blessing. 

He is producing a very small amount of urine and it's probably mostly blood- but it's something! It's encouraging. Docs said if it's not making some urine by Wednesday afternoon they will keep us til Thursday and do a biopsy to make sure all is good. That sounded like a last resort so we are praying for urine! Who knew I would be so anxious for a person to pee?!

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